Working to eliminate childhood lead poisoning in Rhode Island through parent support, community education, and grassroots organizing.
Lead poisoning is a serious environmental justice, tenants’ rights, and public health issue. Lead exposure at any level can cause permanent effects in children and adults. The good news is that it’s preventable!
Since 1992, the Childhood Lead Action Project has worked to eliminate childhood lead poisoning in Rhode Island through parent support, community education, and advocacy.

Lead Training for Landlords & Workers
Lead Hazard Awareness Seminar (3-hour class for landlords/homeowners) - click here to sign up
8-hour Initial Training Lead Paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) - contact us for dates and/or to sign up
Join the movement to address lead hazards in paint, soil, and water in Rhode Island:
Donate to support Childhood Lead Action Project’s organizing and advocacy: